Whitney Houston famously sang that “the children are our future.” Each generation has the potential to change the world. Even the most determined children need some helping hands in order to reach their full potential, especially if they must confront financial, medical or other obstacles.
Charitable organizations assist individuals in various ways. Children’s charities help kids in need, whether they are facing poverty, need critical medical care, come from abusive homes, or require learning assistance. The following are some of the many critical children’s charities working to help youngsters reach their full potential.
Wheels for Wishes: This organization helps children of the Make-A-Wish Foundation. Wheels for Wishes facilitates car donations that can help fund experiences for critically ill children. (www.wheelsforwishes.org)
Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation for Childhood Cancer: This organization was started by the parents of Alexandra ‘Alex’ Scott, a young girl who had cancer and succumbed to the disease in 2004. The group helps raise funds for pediatric cancer research. (www.AlexsLemonade.org)
WorldVision: This group was founded in 1950 by Robert Pierce to support Christian mission services for families experiencing crises in East Asia. It is now the largest international non-governmental organization helping impoverished children in Asia and elsewhere. (www.worldvision.org)
Save the Children: This charity works internationally and in the United States to sponsor children experiencing abuse, physical abuse, neglect, and sexual exploitation. (www.savethechildren.org)
Imagination Library: This organization, started by country star Dolly Parton, provides free books to children from birth through age 5. While it began for kids in rural Tennessee in 1995, the charity now distributes one million books to children across the U.S. to help foster a love of reading. (https://imaginationlibrary.com/)
St. Jude’s Children’s Research Hospital: The work at St. Jude’s helps to fund research to find cures and new treatments for childhood cancers. St. Jude’s also provides safe and free medical services to children with cancer. (www.stjude.org)
Locks of Love: This charity provides wigs made of real hair for children suffering from long-term medical hair loss. The wigs are made from donated ponytails to provide the highest quality hair prosthetics to financially disadvantaged children. (https://locksoflove.org)