The holiday season is a time to connect with loved ones. Families gather during the holiday season, and friends reconnect.
Tradition reigns supreme for many people during the holiday season. Exchanging gifts is one tradition that transcends religion, as people who subscribe to various faiths exchange gifts with their loved ones during the holiday season. When making their holiday shopping lists, shoppers should make sure they don’t forget the various people who help them throughout the year. Small tokens of appreciation during the holiday season can help mailmen, teachers, hairdressers, and others know they’re appreciated. The following are some gift ideas that can help the people who help us throughout the year.
Mail finds its way into the mailbox even when the weather outside is frightful. Mailmen spend much of their workdays outdoors braving the elements, so a gift that helps make their time outdoors more comfortable makes sense. But before gifting their mailmen, shoppers should know that there are rules governing the gifts that the mailman can and cannot accept. According to the United States Postal Service, mailmen can accept gifts worth $20 or less from a customer per occasion. However, carriers are forbidden from accepting cash and cash equivalents. In addition, mailmen cannot accept more than $50 worth of gifts in a calendar year. Moisture wicking shirts can help mail carriers stay warm on cold days, and they’re designed to quickly move moisture away from the body to the outer layer of the shirt. Such shirts can be worn beneath carriers’ uniforms to keep them warm and dry on cold days. Shoe inserts, a basket of sunscreen and some healthy snacks that can be eaten on-the-go are other great gifts for mail carriers.
Hairdressers go to great lengths to make people look good throughout the year, and those efforts should not be forgotten during the holiday season. Many hairdressers use supplies, such as scissors, they purchase on their own. A gift certificate to a salon supply wholesaler can make for a welcome gift. For those who want to pamper the people who pamper them, a gift certificate to a local spa can make for a wonderful gift for hairdressers this holiday season.
Educators and Caregivers
Educators and caregivers, which includes teachers, babysitters and daycare staff, do a lot for children. Their efforts should be recognized during the holiday season. School systems and daycare facilities may have rules in place governing which items staff can accept, so inquire about such policies in advance of the holiday season. When gifting babysitters, make sure gifts are age-appropriate. If a babysitter is a minor, cash may make for the best gift. For teachers and daycare workers, consider a gift certificate to a well-regarded local eatery or a school supplies store, as many teachers purchase classroom supplies with their own money.