Local author Sydney Avey will give a seminar on A Beginner’s Guide to Social Media for People in the Creative Arts: How to Create and Sustain your Social Media Presence. The seminar is planned on Saturday, June 17, from 10 a.m. to noon. The event is sponsored by the Sonora Writers Group and will be held at the Sonora Public Library, 480 Greenley Road, Sonora.
Social media offers writers and other artists opportunities to share their creative work and engage an audience, but getting started can be overwhelming. Avey will share the social media strategies she employed to win publishing contracts and garner the book reviews necessary to sustain a career as an author.
Avey writes historical fiction novels. Her popular novel, “The Sheep Walker’s Daughter” will be republished by the University of Nevada, Reno’s Center for Basque studies in October, and her new novel, “The Trials of Nellie Belle,” will be published in February 2018. Also, her tribute to the Rim fire, “The Warrior,” will be featured in the “Out of the Fire Anthology,” available beginning June 17 from Manzanita Writers Press.
Along with her airplane enthusiast husband, Avey divides her time between Groveland, California and Surprise, Arizona.
The seminar is free and open to the public, light refreshments will be served. For more information and to reserve your seat for the seminar, contact Jill Klajic-Ryan at 209-743-8097 or check out the “Sonora Writers Group” Facebook page.