Hours for the combined Oakdale-Riverbank-Escalon-Waterford Relay For Life scheduled in 2019 have changed. Always slated over a 24-hour period for past Relay events, the 2019 edition is scheduled for 9 a.m. to midnight on Saturday, April 27.
The fundraising is already underway and several teams have formed, with more being sought. There is still plenty of time to get involved, as team meetings will get underway in earnest after the first of the year. Meetings are planned on Jan. 9, Feb. 13, March 13, April 10 and April 24, scheduled from 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. in the Royal Oak Conference Room at Oak Valley Hospital, 350 S. Oak Ave., Oakdale.
This year’s staff partner, representing the American Cancer Society, is Benazir Ali; she can be reached at 209-524-7241 or Benazir.Ali@cancer.org for more information.
Oakdale High School, 739 W. G St., Oakdale is again the host site and teams from Oakdale, Riverbank, Escalon, Waterford and beyond are encouraged to get involved. As an incentive, a ‘Dash for the Stash’ Challenge is underway, running now through Dec. 31. Anyone who registers online and raises $25 is automatically entered into a drawing for a vintage American Cancer Society ‘swag bag’ full of Relay For Life-themed items.
Over $4,400 has been raised so far for the 2019 Relay For Life, with a goal of $120,000 for the event.
Though not going for the full 24 hours in 2019, there will still be the traditional Opening Ceremonies and a Survivor/Caregiver Lap, plenty of entertainment and theme laps, the Luminaria Ceremony in the evening and more.
To get involved, visit relayforlife.org.