Riverbank police drew the children's attention at Wednesday's Health and Safety Fair, offered as part of the weekly Riverbank Farmer's Market. One child almost fell off the seat in surprise, in fact, when motorcycle officer Gary Vernon hit the very loud siren on his Honda. Elsewhere, excited youngsters were drawn like flies to the red and blue lights flashing on Traffic Officer Mike Glinskas' new Dodge Charger, and a demonstration of a police dog running down "a bad guy" was as popular as ever.
But the firefighters of Stanislaus Consolidated Fire Protection District also displayed a fire engine, Oak Valley Hospital District came with an ambulance and many other agencies had booths at the annual event hosted at Riverbank Community Park.
The children scurried from one booth to another to take a brief glance and get their paper signed by an officer so as to be in a contest to win two bicycles and other prizes. Two five-year-olds won the bicycles donated by Virginia Madueno.
Safety information included Neighborhood Watch, given by Riverbank Police Services; elder abuse information, by the Stanislaus Elder Abuse Prevention Agency and Catholic Charities; and Operation Life Saver for safety around railroads.
For health information, Riverbank Community Health Center provided blood pressure checks, the Lions Club mobile unit had eye tests, Anthem Blue Cross talked about affordable health insurance, Delta Blood Bank offered blood donation information and Golden Valley Health Center featured nutrition information.
There was also a group that provides access to telephone service for the deaf and hard of hearing and those unable to speak; and a booth for the Medical Board of California, which licenses and disciplines medical doctors.
Fitness groups included Riverbank Curves and Karate for Kids, which annually sponsors the health and safety fair along with the City of Riverbank and did a brief demonstration of their martial arts skills on the lawn.
But the firefighters of Stanislaus Consolidated Fire Protection District also displayed a fire engine, Oak Valley Hospital District came with an ambulance and many other agencies had booths at the annual event hosted at Riverbank Community Park.
The children scurried from one booth to another to take a brief glance and get their paper signed by an officer so as to be in a contest to win two bicycles and other prizes. Two five-year-olds won the bicycles donated by Virginia Madueno.
Safety information included Neighborhood Watch, given by Riverbank Police Services; elder abuse information, by the Stanislaus Elder Abuse Prevention Agency and Catholic Charities; and Operation Life Saver for safety around railroads.
For health information, Riverbank Community Health Center provided blood pressure checks, the Lions Club mobile unit had eye tests, Anthem Blue Cross talked about affordable health insurance, Delta Blood Bank offered blood donation information and Golden Valley Health Center featured nutrition information.
There was also a group that provides access to telephone service for the deaf and hard of hearing and those unable to speak; and a booth for the Medical Board of California, which licenses and disciplines medical doctors.
Fitness groups included Riverbank Curves and Karate for Kids, which annually sponsors the health and safety fair along with the City of Riverbank and did a brief demonstration of their martial arts skills on the lawn.