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Successful Saturday For Love Riverbank
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This young volunteer is shown with a handful of weeds that she was pulled at the Community Gardens project. - photo by VIRGINIA STILL/THE NEWS


The spring ‘Love Riverbank’ campaign kicked off Saturday, April 27 at 9 a.m. with a rally in front of the Riverbank Community Center. Starbucks donated coffee and tea and Mayor Richard O’Brien gave a short speech to encourage the volunteers. Sylvia Jimenez, Event Coordinator, had a list of projects that volunteers were needed for and she made sure they were directed to the right areas. Muriel Valdez was the project leader for showing public servants appreciation by delivering baked cookies and thank you cards to the fire station, police station, EMT staff, and Post Office. The Riverbank Library had shelves dusted and books organized by volunteers. Several workers were out at the Community Gardens to pull weeds, plant flowers, and place bark in the walk ways. Jacob Myers Park was also on the project list to have weeds pulled, assist with Earth Day, and beautify the horseshoe area. There was a Christian Food Sharing truck at California Avenue School waiting for volunteers to collect food for those in need. The street clean-up crew on Don and Ward avenues was successful in pulling weeds and picking up trash. According to Jimenez, they had a total of 158 volunteers, which was double of what they had in September 2012 and every project was completed. Sno-White Drive-In donated free ice cream to the volunteers of Love Riverbank after their work day was complete.

“This event we had this past weekend was a major success,” stated Jimenez. “Every volunteer who was there to work was more than willing to do whatever was necessary.”