Gabriela Rios, Parent Institute for Quality Education (PIQE) executive director, is the next presenter for MJC’s Positive People Speaker Series.
The free, public presentation is scheduled for Thursday, Oct. 10 at 7 p.m. in the Mary Stuart Rogers Student Learning Center on West Campus, 2201 Blue Gum Ave., Modesto. Campus parking is available for $2.
Ms. Rios will share the major impact she has been able to make in the lives of many local families wanting to make the dream of an education a reality. Additionally, she will share her personal experiences from being born in Mexico and immigrating to the Unites States to being the first in her family to graduate high school and college.
The speaker series, offered by the MJC Office of Campus Life and Student Learning, features local community members who have overcome challenges and obstacles to achieve their goals.
MJC staff, students and members of the community are invited to come hear these stories of inspiration and motivation at no cost.
Future speakers include Liz Harrelson on Nov. 7, LaKeisha McDonald on Feb. 6, and Victoria Popoff on March 5.
For more information about the Positive People Speaker Series contact the Office of Campus Life and Student Learning at (209) 575-6700.