Riverbank Unified School District had a regular school board meeting on Tuesday, Sept. 20 where items on the agenda included receiving an award, introducing new teachers, and conducting regular business.
The school year began on Aug. 4 and the last day of school is May 25. All classes have been in person and regular school activities and traditions have resumed for the 2022-23 school year.
“This year feels much closer to a normal school year,” said RUSD Superintendent Christine Facella. “We have been able to do things that have been put aside due to COVID and its impacts.”
At the board meeting, RUSD was presented with an award for winning the attendance competition by ACSA (Association of California School Administrators) Stanislaus Charter President Isais Rumayor.
“Every year they have a kickoff to start the year,” added Facella. “They recognize districts of similar size for attendance and we had the highest percentage attending. While it’s just for fun and motivation, we like the recognition and have won it two times consecutively.”
There are 15 new teachers that have joined RUSD for the 2022-23 school year. The new teachers are Raul Rodriguez at Riverbank High School; Thomas Media, Jr. at Adelante High School; Gregory Davis, Emily Blevins, Jessica Friedman, Rigoberto Garcia, and Elise Hasty Bibriescas at Cardozo Middle School; Zhen Wang and Emily Hennings at California Avenue Elementary; Bonnie Douglas, Gina Hillier, Savannah Pulido, and Theresa Hacker at Mesa Verde Elementary; Alissa Aguila, and Salvador Padilla Jr. at Riverbank Language Academy.
Facella noted that “While we only had a few of our new teachers in attendance, the ones present appeared happy to be there and be recognized.”
They took an intermission during the meeting to celebrate and welcome the new teachers with a photo opportunity and refreshments.