Registered voters in Riverbank districts should have received their sample ballots in the mail recently.
That communication from the elections department of Stanislaus County should also have been followed up with a flyer listing locations across the community where voters can turn in their ballots, should they choose not to use a polling pace.
Riverbank City Council Races
Local voters in Riverbank’s two districts on the ballot this year will find just one name each.
Those in District 1 will see incumbent Luis Uribe listed alone, while voters in District 3 will see former council member Luanne Jones-Cruz’s name by itself.
This is because no one else took out papers and returned them by the deadline, according to city officials. In District 3, council member Cal Campbell chose not to run for re-election this year, so the registration period was extended, in keeping with election law. In District 1, Uribe was the only candidate who registered.
Normally, with single candidates, there would be no reason for their names to appear, but officials said that there might have been an irregularity with the public notices involved, so it was simpler to just include the names on the respective ballots.
State And Federal Offices
The local ballots also include voting on state offices, including Governor, Lt. Governor, Secretary of State and many others, as well as US Senate, Representative to Congress, State Senate and Assembly.
Non-partisan seats include a number of judicial seats. A number of school board seats are also on the 2022 ballot.
State Ballot Measures
Another area of election interest is the state measures on the ballot.
Propositions 26 and 27 will allow forms of sports wagering, while Prop. 28 provides funding for additional arts and music programs in California schools.
Prop. 29 requires medical professionals at kidney dialysis clinic, and Prop. 30 provides funds to reduce air pollution and prevent wildfires by increasing taxes on high income individuals.
Prop. 31 is a referendum on a 2020 law to prohibit retail sales of certain flavored tobacco products.
Beginning this week, a ballot drop box will be available to voters at O’Brien’s Market, 6331 Oakdale Road, during regular business hours.
Voting centers in Riverbank will open Nov. 5 from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., including weekends at the Riverbank Teen Center, 3600-B Santa Fe St., and at St. Frances of Rome Church, 2827 Topeka St.
On Election Day, Nov. 8, these two polling places will be open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Look for candidate profiles for locally contested races in the Oakdale, Riverbank and Escalon communities in the Oct. 26 issue of each individual paper, The Oakdale Leader, The Riverbank News and The Escalon Times.