Veterans seeking help to file Blue Water Navy claims and learn about the VA’s new emergency service provisions under the Mission Act will have an opportunity to do so when Stanislaus County hosts a VA Town Hall sponsored by Congressman Josh Harder and a workshop overseen by the Stanislaus County Veterans Service Office.
Representatives from the Veterans Administration in Palo Alto will be at the Stanislaus Veterans Center, 3500 Coffee Road in Modesto, on Wednesday, Aug. 14 to talk about new provisions allowing veterans to access several urgent care facilities in the county. Facilities, eligibility and guidelines will be the featured topics of discussion. The Town Hall and workshop is scheduled to start at 1 p.m.
Coming in September, a workshop will be hosted by county VSO’s on the recently passed legislation allowing for veterans who served on ships anchored off the coast of Vietnam during that conflict who have contracted any of the VA certified diseases associated with Agent Orange to apply for compensation. Although many of the details such as which vessels qualify are still being worked out, the county Veterans Service Office is planning the workshop for September, with the date to be announced. At that time, any veteran who feels they might qualify will be able to bring their DD 214 to the Coffee Road veterans center and file a claim so they are in the system and ready to be processed.
For more information contact the Veteran Service Office at (209) 558-7380.