Dear Editor,
The City of Riverbank is blessed with two candidates running for the City Council in District Two. One is Anthony McKinney, who has my support. He has experience with the workings of the City through his membership on the Planning Commission, Budget Oversight Committee, and the Water Appeals Board. Experience gained through these activities will give him a running start should he be elected. Anthony is also the current President of the Riverbank Chamber of Commerce working with local businesses in our Community which can be added to his résumé. He believes in the City Mission Statement: “Responsible growth while maintaining the small town character of Riverbank.”
In all these endeavors, he has been pro-active in his approach, studying the issues and then advocating for changes that benefit the community. Sitting back and watching the grass grow is not how Anthony works. He gets things done! His personal motto is “We Serve”, indicting his willingness to work with all segments of the Riverbank Community.
Over time I have found him approachable, friendly, a man of his word, and genuinely interested our residents. A vote for Anthony McKinney, will keep Riverbank, the City of Action!
Scott McRitchie