Love is again in the air. Or is it?
That’s a question I seem to ponder at some level at this time each and every year. Ah, yes Valentine’s Day.
The day set aside for everyone to stop what they’re doing and tell and/or show one another how much we love them. That’s said with a bit of sarcasm/tongue in cheek for those who don’t know how I speak.
My guess is of course, if you follow this space at any degree you could sense that. For the sake of this week’s piece, however, and this coming Friday’s event I’ll play along.
This day every year makes for some good conversation, if nothing else around the newsroom. Colleague Virginia Still and I, while we share many things in common, our thoughts on this would not be one.
Virginia is one I would describe as a true romantic. She loves to be surprised by fresh flowers, randomly or with reason (okay what girl doesn’t). She is a true girly girl and celebrates it openly, which I think is wonderful.
She loves the idea of Valentine’s Day and taking a special day to really celebrate and appreciate your special someone.
Then there’s me.
Now, before flipping the coin, I will admit there was a time in my youth when I swore the best day to get married would be Valentine’s Day. My wedding would be red/ ‘white and blush, yes, it would be just like a Julia Roberts movie, long before her screen debut. The flowers would all be red roses and it would be perfect, chocolate fountain and all.
Short story to my fairy tale is, I grew up and reality hit and I recognized life, not to mention, my wedding day would not be a Julia Roberts movie.
In complete fairness as a journalist, in a small town, surrounded by antics, lots of fun and two-hour trips to the grocery store – there are indeed moments I do think it would make a good one. Yet I digress and Hollywood, let alone Julia Roberts has yet to call.
Back to Valentine’s Day.
Perhaps the shift happened for me when I became a mom. I’m truly not sure. Perhaps it began when I lost my best friend and realized tomorrow may not come. Again, I’m truly not sure.
As I grow older however and perhaps (in some areas) a bit more jaded I’m a bit baffled by the hoopla. I’m also grateful to now share this life with a partner who feels the same. Granted, he’ll still humor me with dinner plans and maybe a card and that’s all good.
In turn, I’ve picked him up a little something and a few cards will be hidden for him to find, just like always. Predictable and that’s fine too.
Here’s the thing, I like hiding cards, notes and things such as this all year ‘round. I’m the girl who will ship bottled water to his office via Amazon with a reminder to “stay hydrated” any time of the year.
I believe in celebrating each other whenever and however possible. I believe love, like hope, springs eternal and paying triple for flowers, stressing about dinner plans and feeling the pressures/isolation of one day – well it’s just a bit much.
I’m grateful to have found a dude that gets while I may enjoy a nice dinner on occasion I’m good with whatever – truly. Now granted, society has told him otherwise and that has made for some colorful conversation. I mean after all, what girl stands in front of you and says, “no really, I’m good. I’m just sharing a story from (insert romantic girlfriend story here).”
The point quite simple, embrace the catch phrase that I’ve been told is so-o-o 2019: live your best life or as I like to say, you do you.
Virginia loves Valentin’s Day and sharing some special time with her guy. She loves the idea, the sentiments, the whole package. Awesome.
Me – I simply love, love each and every day I get to share it with my people. Is that a bit “extra” for the people in my life? Sometimes yes. It takes a bit of getting used to and even more understanding to know it comes with no strings, I simply love to love. As I grow older, I see that I do this more than ever before and well, it works for me.
So here’s to embracing the day as it best suits you. Here’s to the joy of not just being loved, but feeling loved and giving that freely to those which matter to you.
Here’s to Cupid, Gandhi, Jesus and Buddha; let the love shine through. Happy Valentine’s Day.
Teresa Hammond is a staff reporter for The Oakdale Leader, The Riverbank News and The Escalon Times. She may be reached at or by calling 847-3021.