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Trust In God
A Few Frank Words 10-19-22
Pen and Coffee

Just what does it mean to trust in God? Let me define trust In God by way of an example.

A while ago my daughter’s car broke down in of all places, San Miguel, California. San Miguel is located on Highway 101 north of Paso Robles and South of King City. Nice place in the daylight, not so much so after dark. My daughter calls the Auto Club to get a tow truck driver to bring her and the car back to Oakdale. She waited an hour and no call back. She then calls me, her dad “Mr. I can fix anything!” So, I call the Auto Club and they assure me they can find a tow truck. They will call my daughter when they have a tow lined up. Still another hour passes and no call and no truck. I call again. Seems my daughter is on the boundary between the NorCal club and the SoCal Club. Getting a 200-mile tow was more of a challenge than even Triple A could handle. I called again, told Triple A my daughter was in a very dangerous place and now it was night. Once again, Triple A elevates this call up two-levels and still my daughter doesn’t get a tow or even a call.

Suddenly, out of seemingly nowhere a Triple A tow truck and driver show up. Turns out there is a bathroom there and the driver needed a break before heading into Paso Robles. With a great deal of reluctance, my daughter, phone in hand and best friend on the other end approached the driver. Rick was a Triple A driver returning to his home base in Paso Robles and he offered her a courtesy tow back to Paso Robles and got her to a nice hotel where she was safe.

The next day, lo and behold, Rick showed up at 9 a.m. and put her car onto his flatbed tow truck and drove her and the car all the way to Oakdale. Interestingly it was just under our maximum 200-mile free towing limit.

My grandson believes that “if Papa can’t fix it – we’re all screwed!” Apparently, that is not always true. So I say when all human endeavor fails, and we are sure all is lost, trust in God for God is right there next to us.

Trust in God does not mean cross your fingers and hope for the best. When we are faced with adversity, we should do all we can to solve the problem. God did give us reason, logic and problem-solving capabilities. But the fact is not all our problems can be solved through human effort.  But it does mean that “if Papa can’t fix it, we are not all screwed.” It simply means “Be still, and know that I am God.” (Psalm 46:10).


Francis (Frank) Remkiewicz is an area resident and contributes a monthly column focused primarily on faith and religion. He can be reached at Opinions expressed are those of the author.