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Getting Involved In Archery, Altering Streambeds
California Outdoors 12-27-23
Archery 1227
Dozens of archers prepare to fire arrows in a school archery tournament. NASP Program Photo

Archery in Schools

Q: How do I get my child involved in a school archery program?

A: If the school your child attends does not offer archery as either a physical education activity or an elective class, contacting CDFW can get that process started.

The California National Archery in the Schools Program (CalNASP) is administered by CDFW in consultation with the California Department of Education. Nearly 400 schools in California offer archery instruction and competition, involving students from fourth through 12th grade.

Archery in schools is an excellent opportunity for students to be part of a team sport and is equally available to kids in urban or rural settings. The sport promotes participation and doesn’t discourage based on gender or size or experience, with roughly two thirds of school archery participants being first time archers.

To start CalNASP, a school must confirm that target archery is covered under the school district’s general liability policy. Start-up equipment costs roughly $3,200 and funding options are available for qualifying campuses through the CDFW NASP Equipment Grant program. There is no annual cost to schools once accepted into NASP.

Please contact for information on bringing archery to your school.


Streambed Alteration

Q: With the possibility of another above average rainy season, can I redirect a rising stream that’s threatening my home or property?

A: It’s a good time to address this issue. Projects that can affect rivers, streams and lakes may require notifying CDFW. Those projects may include vegetation removal, road crossings and flood control channels. The best advice is contacting CDFW early to begin discussions on work that might be anticipated. Fish and Game Code section 1602 requires that any entity (person, state, local government agency or public utility) to notify CDFW if a project would substantially obstruct or divert the natural flow of any river, stream or lake or substantially change or use material from the bed, bank or channel. Under normal circumstances, a lake or streambed alteration agreement from CDFW may be required before beginning such work.

Advance notification is not required for immediate emergency work necessary to protect life or property, under Fish and Game Code section 1610. Although, CDFW must be notified in writing within 14 days after the beginning of that work. Emergency means “a sudden, unexpected occurrence involving a clear and imminent danger, demanding immediate action to prevent the loss of, or damage to, life, health, property or essential public services.” If possible, consult CDFW before beginning emergency work, which may help staff identify ways to minimize impacts to resources, while addressing emergency needs.

A map of the CDFW regional offices with links to contact information is available at CDFW appreciates your cooperation in conserving California’s fish, wildlife and plant resources.


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