Recreational and educational opportunities abound around the state, with many August activities scheduled through the state’s Department of Fish and Wildlife. Here is a listing of some of those upcoming events.
Guided Wetland Tours
By Reservation, at Gray Lodge Wildlife Area, 3207 Rutherford Road, Gridley (95948). A wildlife naturalist will lead any group, school or organization on a half-mile route through the diverse wetlands of the Gray Lodge Wildlife Area. General information includes wildlife identification, behavior patterns and conservation efforts. The experience can be customized to include requested information. The minimum group size is 18 people. For more information, please call (530) 846-7505 or email
Bat Talk and Walk Events
The Yolo Basin Foundation’s Bat Talk and Walk events run now through mid-September and begin at the Yolo Bypass Wildlife Area Headquarters, 45211 County Road 32B (Chiles Road), Davis (95617). The cost is $12 for adults each, and youths 15 and under are free. For more information and to register, please visit
Various Days
Shared Habitat Alliance for Recreational Enhancement (SHARE) Access Permit Application Deadline for Multiple Hunting Opportunities. Wild pig, deer, bear, turkey, dove and quail hunts are available through the SHARE program. A $10.50 non-refundable application fee (plus handling fees) will be charged for each hunt choice. For more information, please visit
Elkhorn Slough Ecological Reserve features volunteer-led walks every Saturday and Sunday, at 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. Binoculars and bird books are available for the public to borrow at no cost. The visitor center and main overlook are fully accessible. The day use fee is $4.12 per person, ages 16 and older. Groups of five or more need to notify staff that they are coming and groups of 10 or more can request a separate tour. For more information, please visit
Aug. 1 - Recreational Pacific Halibut Season Opens for All Boat-based Anglers in California. For more information please call the National Marines Fisheries Service hotline at (800) 662-9825 or visit the Pacific Halibut webpage at
Aug. 1 - Recreational Red Abalone Season Reopens in Northern California. The 2016 red abalone fishery reopens north of San Francisco after the traditional July closure. This pause in fishing has been in effect for 40 years and is designed to give abalone populations a break when the fishery is the most intense. The CDFW reminds people who have completed fishing for the year to mail their abalone report cards to the CDFW Fort Bragg office as soon as possible or report online at the end of the season. Abalone cards are required to be returned to the CDFW or reported online by Jan. 31, 2016 even if there was no attempt to take abalone. Cards may be mailed to CDFW, 32330 North Harbor Drive, Fort Bragg, CA 95437-5554 or dropped off at the office any time. Data may also be submitted online from Dec. 1 until Jan. 31, 2017 at
Aug. 13 - The First General Season for Black Bears Opens in Deer Hunting Zone A. General black bear season will open along with the general deer hunting season in deer zones A, B, C, D, X8, X9A, X9B, X10 and X12 and extend through Dec. 25. Please note that deer zones A, B, C, D, X8, X9A, X9B, X10 and X12 have different deer season opening dates depending upon the deer zone. General season for black bears opens in deer hunting zones X-1 through X-7b on Oct. 8 and extends through Dec. 25. CDFW shall close the season earlier if 1,700 bears have been reported taken. For daily updates on reported bear harvest, please visit or call (888) 277-6398. Please visit for the current mammal hunting regulations.
Aug. 16 - Recreational Pacific Halibut Season Closes for All Boat-based Anglers in California. For the latest information on season status, please call the National Marine Fisheries Service hotline at (800) 662-9825 or visit the Pacific Halibut webpage at
Aug. 18 - Delta Conservation Framework Outreach Workshop, 9 a. m. to noon, Delta Conservancy Office, 1450 Halyard Drive, Suite 6, West Sacramento (95691). CDFW is inviting other agencies and stakeholders to help develop a 25-year Delta Conservation Framework for the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, Yolo Bypass and Suisun Marsh by 2017. This event will be hosted by the Delta Restoration Network and additional workshops are planned in September, October and November to provide participants an opportunity to inform concepts and work products as they are developed for inclusion in the Delta Conservation Framework document. For more information, please contact Chad Dibble at
Aug. 20 - The Archery Season for Black Bears Opens in each of the Five American Black Bear Hunt Zones: Northern California, Central California, Southeastern Sierra, Southern Sierra and Southern California, and will extend through Sept. 11. CDFW shall close the season earlier if 1,700 bears have been reported taken. For daily updates on reported bear harvest, please visit or call toll-free (888) 277-6398.
Aug. 30 - California Wildlife Conservation Board Meeting, 10 a.m., First Floor Auditorium of the Natural Resources Building, 1416 9th Street, Sacramento (95814). For more information, please visit