The Modesto Junior College Nursing Alumni Association will celebrate nursing with a 10th annual fundraising dinner on Wednesday, May 10 from 6 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. in the Mary Stuart Rogers Student Center West Campus, 2201 Blue Gum Ave., Modesto.
The theme is “Celebrating Nurses in our Community” and a highlight of the event is recognizing and honoring outstanding nurses who serve in the local area.
“This is a fun-filled, inspirational event open to everyone,” said Bonnie Costello, MJC professor emeritus of nursing. “The registered nurses being honored are regarded as role models in the nursing profession. Anyone can nominate a nurse for this honor whose dedication, kindness and generosity are remarkable and inspiring.”
Five scholarships are awarded during the evening. Two current nursing students each receive a $1,000 scholarship donated by the family of Lupe Perez, who was a graduate of MJC’s first nursing class in 1965. He worked locally as a nurse for many years and was a charter member and president of the Nursing Alumni Association. Another nursing student is to receive a $1,000 scholarship from the family of Mary Rose Shelton, also a nursing alumna of MJC. Two additional nursing students are awarded $2,500 scholarships from the Health Plan of San Joaquin.
The cost is $30 for adults, $20 for students and seniors (65 and better) and $10 for children 12 years and under. All funds raised for the evening are used to support scholarships and resources for nursing students.
To purchase tickets, or donate money or a basket for the drawing, contact Bonnie Costello at 575-6548 or
Letters nominating area nurses for an award should be sent by April 27 to Nursing Alumni Association, Modesto Junior College, 435 College Ave., Modesto, CA 95350.
Event sponsors are Central Valley Association of Operating Room Nurses, Community Hospice, Doctors Medical Center, Emanuel Medical Center, Memorial Medical Center, Sonora Regional Medical Center and James and Bonnie Costello. Sponsorship opportunities are still available for $1,000.