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Voters Cast Council Ballots Tuesday
0529 Candidates
Riverbank City Council candidates, from left, Jeremy Fennell, business owner; Diana Gonzalez, school secretary; and Cal Campbell, retired teacher and administrator, participated in a candidate forum at the council chambers on May 23. VIRGINIA STILL/The News

Candidates for Riverbank City Council gathered for a special forum on Thursday, hosted by the League of Women Voters. The May 23 candidate forum was hosted in the Riverbank City Council Chambers. Council hopefuls Cal Campbell, Jeremy Fennell and Diana Gonzalez all participated in the forum, answering questions and taking advantage of the chance to speak to the public about their intentions, should they win election.

The three are running to fill out the unexpired term of former councilman Richard O’Brien, who left that seat to run for mayor in November. The term expires in December, 2104. All three noted their desire to serve the community and help keep the city’s finances in check while providing needed services as major reasons for seeking the post.

Several people showed up to hear what the council candidates had to say, especially since the city’s Special Election is quickly approaching. Election Day is on Tuesday, June 4.

The polls will be open that day at 7 a.m. and will close at 8 p.m.

There are four polling places that will be in use for the special election. All the polling places listed are handicap accessible and will have assistance provided in Spanish.

Tuesday’s special Election Day polling places are: Voting Precinct 1, Christ the King Episcopal Church, 6443 Estelle Ave.; Voting Precinct 2, St. Frances of Rome Church, 2827 Topeka St.; Voting Precinct 3, Riverbank Community Center, 3600 Santa Fe St.; Voting Precinct 4, Crossroads Shopping Center, 2401 Claribel Road, Suite E.

The Latino Community Roundtable (LCR) was on hand for the recent candidate forum and President Maggie Mejia was outside having members sign in and cast a ballot for the candidate that they will endorse. The LCR is a political Latino organization that is nonpartisan.

“We want the best person to win,” said Mejia.

Campbell ran unsuccessfully for the council last November, finishing third in the battle for two council seats, behind incumbent Jeanine Tucker and newcomer Darlene Barber-Martinez. Fennell and Gonzalez are new to the political arena.

Riverbank City Manager Jill Anderson said ballots will be counted at the city’s Community Center following the election on Tuesday and anyone interested is encouraged to stop by and watch the process.

For further information, call the City of Riverbank City Clerk Annabelle Aguilar, Election Official at (209) 863-7122 or visit