Local residents are invited to attend a public information meeting to solicit public comment on planning for a Route Adoption for a New State Route 108 within Stanislaus County on Monday, June 15 from 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m.
The meeting will be held at the Riverbank Community Center, 3600 Santa Fe St. in Riverbank.
Maps and other information about the North County Corridor Project (NCC) State Route 108 East Route Adoption Project will be available for viewing. Specialists in engineering, environmental studies, and right-of-way will be at the meeting to discuss concerns and answer questions. Comment cards will be available, and written comments will become part of the public record and considered in developing an environmental document.
The NCC State Route 108 East Route Adoption is a high-priority corridor for Stanislaus County and its incorporated cities. The primary intent of the project is to provide a high-capacity, west-east roadway to accommodate anticipated traffic growth in northern Stanislaus County, to alleviate traffic on parallel roadways, to accommodate multi-modal travel, to provide interregional connectivity, and to provide for economic growth. To plan for the new route, the North County Corridor Transportation Expressway Authority (NCCTEA) was formed. The NCCTEA consists of Caltrans, Stanislaus Council of Governments (StanCOG); the cities of Oakdale, Riverbank, Modesto; and the County of Stanislaus.
The ultimate facility type would be a freeway/expressway with interchanges, at-grade intersections, grade-separated major railroad crossings, irrigation district crossings, frontage roads and street alignments.
The California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) as the lead agency for the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), in cooperation with the North County Corridor Transportation Expressway Authority, is preparing a California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) program environmental impact report. Two previous public scoping meetings were held, on Nov. 13, 2008 and Nov. 20, 2008. The public information meeting on June 15, 2009, is another opportunity for members of the public to be involved in the project and to provide comments or concerns.
The current project phase will result in the selection of a preferred corridor, and broad environmental clearance for the California Transportation Commission to approve the Route Adoption. The alignment would extend from State Route 108/McHenry Avenue to a location on State Route 120 approximately six miles east of the City of Oakdale, and will be approximately 18 miles long.
This study area was defined by a previous Feasibility Study and also by a Preliminary Design Report. The alignment may be an entirely new roadway or may be incorporated into the existing local road network.
The NCCTEA is using regional transportation impact fees for this phase of the project and is also asking for state funding that was originally allocated to the Oakdale Bypass project.
Members of the public are welcome to provide comments, questions, or concerns to Gail Miller, Senior Environmental Planner, Caltrans, 2015 East Shields Avenue, Suite 100, Fresno, CA 93726 or by e-mail to Gail_Miller@dot.ca.gov or by calling (559) 243-8274. Also, the Project Manager, Christina Hibbard, can be contacted at Christina_Hibbard@dot.ca.gov or by calling (209) 948-7889.
The meeting will be held at the Riverbank Community Center, 3600 Santa Fe St. in Riverbank.
Maps and other information about the North County Corridor Project (NCC) State Route 108 East Route Adoption Project will be available for viewing. Specialists in engineering, environmental studies, and right-of-way will be at the meeting to discuss concerns and answer questions. Comment cards will be available, and written comments will become part of the public record and considered in developing an environmental document.
The NCC State Route 108 East Route Adoption is a high-priority corridor for Stanislaus County and its incorporated cities. The primary intent of the project is to provide a high-capacity, west-east roadway to accommodate anticipated traffic growth in northern Stanislaus County, to alleviate traffic on parallel roadways, to accommodate multi-modal travel, to provide interregional connectivity, and to provide for economic growth. To plan for the new route, the North County Corridor Transportation Expressway Authority (NCCTEA) was formed. The NCCTEA consists of Caltrans, Stanislaus Council of Governments (StanCOG); the cities of Oakdale, Riverbank, Modesto; and the County of Stanislaus.
The ultimate facility type would be a freeway/expressway with interchanges, at-grade intersections, grade-separated major railroad crossings, irrigation district crossings, frontage roads and street alignments.
The California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) as the lead agency for the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), in cooperation with the North County Corridor Transportation Expressway Authority, is preparing a California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) program environmental impact report. Two previous public scoping meetings were held, on Nov. 13, 2008 and Nov. 20, 2008. The public information meeting on June 15, 2009, is another opportunity for members of the public to be involved in the project and to provide comments or concerns.
The current project phase will result in the selection of a preferred corridor, and broad environmental clearance for the California Transportation Commission to approve the Route Adoption. The alignment would extend from State Route 108/McHenry Avenue to a location on State Route 120 approximately six miles east of the City of Oakdale, and will be approximately 18 miles long.
This study area was defined by a previous Feasibility Study and also by a Preliminary Design Report. The alignment may be an entirely new roadway or may be incorporated into the existing local road network.
The NCCTEA is using regional transportation impact fees for this phase of the project and is also asking for state funding that was originally allocated to the Oakdale Bypass project.
Members of the public are welcome to provide comments, questions, or concerns to Gail Miller, Senior Environmental Planner, Caltrans, 2015 East Shields Avenue, Suite 100, Fresno, CA 93726 or by e-mail to Gail_Miller@dot.ca.gov or by calling (559) 243-8274. Also, the Project Manager, Christina Hibbard, can be contacted at Christina_Hibbard@dot.ca.gov or by calling (209) 948-7889.