Out and About is your guide to upcoming events in and around the Riverbank area.
American Cancer Society officials have announced a ‘Summer Mingle’ for those who are currently serving on the Event Leadership Committee as well as those interested in learning more about the Relay For Life and how to get involved. The ‘mingle’ meeting for next year’s Oakdale-Riverbank-Escalon-Waterford Relay is scheduled for Wednesday, Aug. 14 at 6:30 p.m. at the Charter Oak/Heritage Oak meeting rooms in the Oak Valley Medical Plaza, 1425 W. H St., adjacent to Oak Valley Hospital in Oakdale. Snacks will be provided; plan to attend and bring a friend to learn more about the 2020 Relay. Everyone is welcome.
The Royal Neighbors of Riverbank chapter is hosting a Paint Nite fundraiser on Saturday, Aug. 17 at the Riverbank Community Center, 3600 Santa Fe St., Riverbank. There will be a baked potato bar from 5 p.m. to 6 p.m. to start off the festivities, followed by the Paint Nite event itself from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. This is a family friendly event, suitable for ages six and older. Cost is $40 per person and that includes all painting materials, the baked potato bar for dinner with all the fixings. Those planning to attend are advised to call to order tickets in advance. Call Anita Ramos at 209-869-3635 or Diane Talbert at 209-863-9965. Tickets may be available for purchase at the door but are not guaranteed. All proceeds go toward the Royal Neighbors’ Annual Veterans Luncheon in November.
Golden Agers weekly dances are open to those 50 and older from throughout the Central Valley and are now hosted at St. Frances of Rome Church, 2827 Topeka St., Riverbank. First time guests are admitted free. The annual membership fee is $12 and each Wednesday members pay $5 and non-members can enjoy a few hours of music and dancing for $6. The Golden Agers meet from 10 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
All are invited to the weekly meetings of TOPS, Take Off Pounds Sensibly, 1034 that gathers each Monday from 8:30 a.m. to 10 a.m. at the United Methodist Church, 1480 Poplar Ave., Oakdale. The group features help with weight loss in a supportive setting. Residents of Oakdale, Riverbank, Escalon and beyond are welcome to attend. Call Audrey Oliver at 209-765-7838 for information. You can also visit www.tops.org.
Coming up on Saturday, Aug. 17, it’s an Organ Sampler Concert, hosted at a pair of locations in Sonora. The Sonora Bach Festival presents organist Dr. Daryl Hollinger at 2 p.m., at The Red Church, 42 Snell St., hear Haydn and Lübeck on the Red Church’s historic 1973 Flentrop Pipe Organ. Then, at 3:30 p.m. at St. Matthew Lutheran Church, 13880 Joshua Way, hear Prelude, Fugue and Chaconne by Dieterich Buxtehude and more on St Matthew’s 2016 Allen Digital Organ. There will be a lecture-recital at both locations. Free admission; a donation will be taken. For more information, visit www.sonorabach.org or call 209-536-6330.
The local REO Speechtrain Toastmasters Club gathers for regular meetings every Wednesday morning, 6:30 a.m. to 7:45 a.m., at Perko’s Cafe, Patterson and Oakdale roads, Riverbank. This is a fun way to learn the self-confidence and skills needed for public speaking. All are invited to come and check out the group. The next meeting will be Wednesday, Aug. 21. For more information, call (209) 869-8200.
California State Assemblymember Heath Flora (R-Ripon) has announced Mobile District Office times and locations for August. Mobile District Offices provide expanded customer service to people who reside in the 12th Assembly District. Constituents will be able to meet directly with district staff regarding state issues or concerns they may have. The Riverbank Mobile District Office Hours will be Tuesday, Aug. 27 at Riverbank City Hall, 6707 Third St., from 5 p.m. to 6 p.m.