Several doors at Mesa Verde Elementary and California Avenue Elementary schools were decorated in celebration of the Read Across Riverbank theme of “Bringing stories to life.” Students from the After School Program went door to door last week to score each door and picked a winner at each school; winners will receive a popcorn party. The door decorating contest is one of many activities that the after school program staff has organized to keep students enthusiastic about reading all month long.
Over the past couple of weeks, students participated in a door decorating contest where each grade decorated their door inspired by Dr. Seuss or featured elements from their favorite books. At California Avenue Elementary a group of third, fourth, and fifth graders scored each decorated door on a scale from 1 to 10. The door with the most points was Ms. Ramos’ kindergarten RAME (Riverbank Academy of Multilingual Education) class. Mesa Verde Elementary had a student from each grade scoring the doors which led them to select Mrs. Perkins’ first grade class, with their Grinch-inspired door, to win the prize.
“The feedback I have gotten is that the teachers really loved having the students walk around and look at their classes’ hard work,” stated after school advisor Angela Bailey. “The hallways look beautiful and bright with all the fun and creative doors.”
Each school site celebrated the birthday observance of Dr. Seuss on March 2 with literacy activities such as wearing a crazy hat, wearing red or white, or clothes inside out to kick off the festivities.
Another activity the staff from the After School Program organized throughout the month of March is a book in jar challenge where students will have the opportunity to challenge each other to read the most books within each grade level. The winners will be announced on Monday, April 3 and will receive an ice cream treat.
Every Friday in March advisors with the After School Program will draw book slip names from each grade’s jar for a backpack giveaway.
Next week is Guest Reader week where ASP advisors arranged community members, district staff, and volunteers to read to a class.
Wrapping up the reading celebration is Reader’s Theatre on Friday, March 31 from 3:30 to 5 p.m., where each class from each school site will perform a story on stage at California Avenue truly bringing stories to life.