The Riverbank Development Services Department is seeking input and support for three pedestrian and/or bicycle improvement projects from residents.
On Thursday, May 19, staff members held an outreach meeting at Cardozo Middle School to present information on the projects and answer any questions. Audience members were then asked to write letters or sign petitions requesting grant funding to help with the upcoming work. Other meetings were held at Riverbank High School on May 16 and Enochs High School in North Modesto on May 12.
According to staff members, the Active Transportation Program (ATP) provides federal and state grant funds to cities and counties throughout California to encourage and promote biking and walking. Under the next round of funding, the state is prepared to award a total of $230 million.
Staff member Kathleen Cleek said the city is preparing to submit three applications. Eligible projects must encourage and promote the “active transportation” elements of biking and walking and can involve infrastructure elements such as curb ramps, sidewalks, bike lanes, or other elements like education, enforcement and planning, she said.
Three Projects Planned
The first application will be for bike and pedestrian lanes on Roselle Avenue, connecting Crawford Road in South Riverbank with Sylvan Avenue in North Modesto. The project will be submitted jointly with Stanislaus County and the City of Modesto and allow students a safe path to and from Enochs High School. Also, it will provide walking/biking access to such facilities as Bel Passi Ballpark and Mary Grogan Community Park.
The second project will allow the city to hire a consultant to study the connectivity within the city and help develop an Active Transportation Plan which would include more Safe Routes to Schools, including more bicycle lanes, better sidewalks and paths, and provide a system to prioritize improvement areas around the city.
The third item is a proposed Patterson Road Bike and Pedestrian Sidewalk Project. According to the presentation, this project will include installation of sidewalks on the north side of Patterson Road from First Street to Claus Road. Staff says this project would include sidewalk connectivity along Patterson Road to the Third and Eighth Street bus stops and to Riverbank High School.
Citizen Support
In addition to signing the petition at the meeting, citizens can mail a letter of support to the committee, according to Cleek.
Her address is: City of Riverbank, Development Services Department, Attn: Kathleen Cleek, 6707 Third Street, Riverbank CA, 95367.
She said comments can be e-mailed to, including ‘ATP Cycle 3’ in the subject line.
Cleek said she could answer questions at 209-863-7120. She said department staff members are planning on being available at the May 25 Farmers Market at the Community Center Park, 3600 Santa Fe St., 5 p.m. to 8 p.m., to answer any questions and offer information.