Well, students at Riverbank High School who thought they were done for the year got called back for one last trip to the campus this past week.
Although all students had completed their check outs the week of May 22, when the graduating seniors received their diplomas, the one thing that was missing was the 2020 yearbooks.
RHS Yearbook Advisor Nancy Lopez had said earlier that delivery would be delayed past the end of the school year. The company, Jostens, had to close its California plant because the COVID-19 outbreak rendered it a ‘non-essential’ business. She said production had to be moved to the company’s facility in Tennessee.
As it turned out, the books arrived over the weekend after school was finished, so Lopez got the word out and organized a drive-by pick up for students at the bus circle on the RHS campus. Conveniently, the bus circle is just outside her classroom.
Lopez said she got help from a couple of other staff members, and was joined by 2020 Class Advisor Maritza Alvarez. Along with collecting the yearbooks, Alvarez helped student out by setting up a table just outside the classroom to assist the recent grads fill out the paperwork required to request transcripts to be sent to colleges and universities to which they have applied for the fall.